Starting your own web hosting company and generating an additional stream of recurring revenue can be accomplished quite successfully through the operation of a reseller hosting business. It gives you the ability to sell customized hosting plans to your customers at prices that are quite competitive. There are many webhosting providers that offer Reseller Hosting plans, and these plans come with a variety of guarantees, including uptime, flexibility, and white-label service. However, while you consider your alternatives, you should make it a priority to ask the hosting firm pertinent questions in order to whittle down your choices and arrive at the most appropriate choice.  In this post, we will discuss the crucial questions that you need to ask your reseller hosting provider in order to make your decision to purchase easier and more effective. Before we get started, let’s get some background information about this hosting provider.

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What Exactly does “Reseller Hosting” mean?

A company known as “Reseller Hosting” involves purchasing large quantities of server space and resources. You decide to resell or re-rent these resources to your clients as your own hosting plans rather than using them to run your website yourself. Instead of purchasing and maintaining your own server hardware, you can simply re-rent the resources that servers provide. The hosting firm is the one who owns and is responsible for maintaining the hardware. People are ready to pay more for a hosting solution that is more personalized and customizable, along with higher levels of customer care and handholding, and this has given rise to the market for reseller hosting.


You Should Have These Questions Ready for Your Reseller Hosting Account Provider

What is the percentage of their server’s uptime?

A server’s dependability is measured in terms of its uptime, which is a unit of measurement. It is a measurement of how long a server was online before it crashed, regardless of the reason for the crash or how long it lasted. If a company’s server frequently experiences crashes, then your customers’ websites will as well. Inquire about the uptime, keeping in mind that anything less than 99.9% is not considered to be satisfactory. If the websites of your customers continue to experience downtime, it is only a matter of time until they look elsewhere for their hosting needs.


Do they provide items and services that are branded with a white label?

It is only natural to want to brand your business, the items you sell, and the services you provide when you manage a Reseller Hosting company. It’s possible that you won’t want to do business with you if you have the name of another company tied to all of your products. In such a scenario, web hosting firms typically offer white label Reseller Hosting plan options. With a white-label plan, there is no indication of the hosting company’s presence anywhere on the website. You are free to use the name of your business and brand anything, including the administration interface, websites, servers, and plans. If you wish to use your own name and brand for your Reseller Hosting business, the hosting provider you employ should provide white-label options for their customers.


What kind of computer operating system do they have available?

Linux and Windows are the only two choices available in this case. Both of these provide a strong foundation on which to build a Reseller Hosting company. Nevertheless, each one comes with its own particular mix of benefits and drawbacks. In addition, particular apps and pieces of software are only compatible with a single operating system.

When beginning a Reseller Hosting business, you need to have a good idea of the operating system that you will use to host the website(s) that your customers will access. The majority of individuals use Linux as their operating system of choice. However, Windows Reseller Hosting also provides its users with its own distinct set of benefits.

Inquire about the Linux distribution that a company uses if they offer Linux hosting as a service. There are several other distributions of Linux, such as Debian and CentOS, which are now in use. If you intend to use this hosting company for a significant amount of time, it is highly recommended that you become well-versed in the specific distribution that is provided by your hosting company.


Do they provide the most advanced software for managing hosting services?

If you are interested in cheap Linux Hosting, cPanel is the most effective administration solution available to a website owner at this time in the industry. It’s called WHM (Web Host Manager) for a hosting service that specializes in reseller accounts. These top-of-the-line tools make the life of a Reseller Hosting provider significantly simpler and more convenient. Check to see if the web hosting business that you go with provides you with these management options. If you prefer to use different tools, you should inquire with the hosting business about whether or not they support those tools.


How is the support for the customers?

No matter how skilled you are or how much expertise you have, you will eventually find that you need the assistance of customer service, no matter how experienced you are. If you’re new here, you’re going to require support even more than usual. Therefore, make sure that you thoroughly inquire about the customer assistance that is provided by the hosting company that you use. Your web hosting provider must provide at least two different channels through which customers can get in touch with them. You really ought to have at least two of the following: email, chatbots, social media, and phones. Phone help is a distinct advantage, especially if it is available nonstop and around the clock.

In addition to the many channels of help that are available, you should also inquire about the typical response time that is taken. Finally, use unbiased review websites to determine whether or not this may possibly be real.


How simple or complex is it to multiply the available resources?

You will wish to expand your company as it becomes more successful over time and as it acquires a larger number of clients. It’s possible that you might wish to offer alternative plans that are tailored to a particular market segment, but regardless of the logic behind your decision, you’re going to require more resources, such as RAM, CPU cores, and storage space. Inquire with the web hosting business you use about whether or not they offer scaling, and if they do, what the procedure entails. The procedure is really straightforward when working with reliable hosting firms. You only need to click a few buttons, and within minutes, the necessary materials will be made available to you. Before you sign up for a cheap Linux Reseller Hosting plan with a firm, it is imperative that you be aware of this information because, unfortunately, not all companies operate in the same manner.


Do they provide a program that simplifies the process of installing software on your computer?

Naturally, this is most relevant when discussing Linux hosting. Because you don’t need any specific technical understanding of Linux, a lot of people decide to start their own reseller hosting businesses. This is one of the reasons why. You do not need to have any knowledge of coding.

Applications such as Softaculous are one of the reasons why this is possible. These applications enable you to install applications with only a single click, just like you would on a personal computer at home. The fact that you won’t need to log into the Linux terminal in order to install an application, thanks to the presence of these application installers, will make your life a great deal simpler.

You need not involve a human in the installation process if you make use of an application installer because it will take care of everything automatically. If you are new to Reseller Hosting and aren’t already an experienced Linux and hosting professional, you absolutely need to have this.



A growing number of people are realizing the financial benefits of the business opportunity presented by reseller hosting. In addition, the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic has resulted in an increase in the number of firms launching new websites and moving their operations online. If you are interested in launching a Reseller Hosting business, now is an excellent moment to get things going. Our Reseller Web Hosting plans include a variety of features, including a guaranteed uptime of 99.9%, seamless upgrades, expert support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, white-label, and more. Therefore, if you want to expand your hosting business and bring in more money, you should go with our services because they are dependable and affordable.