Web hosting professionals commonly rely on a variety of software suppliers who provide specialized software solutions. This is a common practice among those who operate in the field of web hosting. There are a lot of benefits that come with utilizing this method, one of which is that it eliminates the requirement for hosting providers to develop their own software, which is an endeavor that can be rather costly. On the other side, the provider will inevitably become dependent on the software vendors, and as a consequence, they will be susceptible to the decisions and actions of those software providers. This is the negative aspect of the situation.


cPanel, which is an interface that assists in the administration of websites and blogs, is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of getting our website hosted, which is something that we are considering doing. cPanel is the most user-friendly control panel; it has an exceptional graphical user interface, which makes it feasible for even someone with a limited understanding of technology to learn how to use it.

The information that the price increase that was recently announced by cPanel has gone into effect has been brought to the notice of the whole community of web hosting providers. In the past, they utilized a pricing plan that was dependent on the number of servers; however, they have since altered their pricing approach to one that is based on the number of accounts available to their customers. If, in the past, you were a cPanel partner and you were paying $11 per cPanel license for each server, and you were running a thousand websites, you will now be required to pay $122 for each of those licenses. The price has been raised by around one thousand percent since their previous level!


New Pricing for the cPanel-

Customers who have five accounts or fewer will not notice a substantial change as a result of the new price structure. This is because the new structure will not affect them. On the other hand, the cost of cPanel, which is a web-based control panel, becomes more expensive than the server itself when the number of accounts on the server increases.

A Significant Influence on the Community of Web Hosts-

For an extended period of time, a significant number of individuals have relied on cPanel hosting to maintain their websites. This has been the case for a huge number of people. Additionally, in addition to the functionality that it offers, cPanel is compatible with Softaculous, Lite Speed, PHP Selector, JetBackup, CageFS, CloudLinux, and Immunity 360. This is an essential characteristic that contributes to its tremendous popularity within the web hosting market. It would appear that cPanel did not employ a planned rollout approach to initiate the rapid price rise that was implemented.

cPanel has been encountering considerable opposition from the web hosting sector as a consequence of the implementation of the new pricing system. If you take a look at the Twitter handles of the companies that offer web hosting services, you will discover that they have been posting critical comments and advice on their accounts. Taking into consideration the fact that the majority of web service providers have been contemplating the possibility of switching to a new control panel is another important aspect to take into account.

Impact of cPanel price hike-

  1. The providers of unmanaged servers

In most cases, unmanaged server providers do not have access to the server, and they are not aware of the number of accounts that are currently functioning on a server. This is because they do not have access to the server. Before, this was not a problem because the cost of the license was determined on a per-server basis. However, this is no longer the case.


On the other hand, the new pricing system of cPanel has required an additional component of effort regarding the provision of services by the providers. This is because of the new pricing structure. According to the current circumstances, they are expected to have a log that offers information regarding the number of accounts that are being created on a single server. If they do not fulfill this requirement, they may end up paying fees that are rather large.


  1. End-Users

When compared to servers with a single account, servers with five or fewer accounts can purchase cPanel for less than twenty-two dollars. However, the overall pricing for the end-user is much more for servers that have more than five accounts. This is despite the fact that servers with a single account have the option of picking cPanel Solo. In the event that you have a greater number of accounts, you will end up paying a higher charge.


  1. The resellers and the shared hosting providers

When compared to all of the organizations that have been affected, the resellers and shared hosting providers have been the ones whose situation has hit the worst. Shared hosting providers commonly host around one thousand websites on a single virtual machine (VM) with a cPanel VM license that costs eleven dollars per month. This license may be purchased separately.


This is a typical way of doing work. Should the modifications that have been suggested be implemented, the cost of a cPanel license will increase to a maximum of $122 per month. This is the case in the event that the modifications are implemented. There has been a tremendous increase of one thousand percent, and this price is practically exactly the same as the one that is related to the server and the infrastructure. This price has changed significantly.


Variables Contributing to the price hike-

In accordance with a statement released by cPanel, the decision to raise charges was preceded by a variety of reasons. Some examples of this are as follows:

In the same manner that every other company does, we do frequent evaluations of the impact of our pricing in order to ensure that it is in accordance with the value that our goods provide as well as with our own cost structure. This is done in order to guarantee that our pricing is fair. Additionally, this alteration to the pricing gives us the chance to continue to innovate, maintain, and improve the products and services that we now deliver to our customers.

The following is a statement that cPanel made in response to the rising costs of operations and investments in innovation. When the time comes for you to renew your hosting subscription, the total cost of your hosting subscription or the cost of your cPanel hosting plan will go up as a result of all of these factors. We have made every effort to minimize the amount of disruption that this new pricing will bring to both you and your company. This is because we are aware of the potential impact that this new price may have on you, and we have taken this potential impact into consideration.


How to deal with the increase in the cost of cPanel-

In the case that you choose to continue using cPanel, the only solution that is available to you is to review the pricing structure with which your entire company operates. You are going to face a hurdle when it comes to managing the process of telling your customers about the price rise. It is possible that the increase in the price of cPanel will be advantageous for you if you are getting a specific amount from your clients, which includes the cost of the cPanel license fees.


cPanel has been dominating the web hosting industry for a lengthy amount of time. It has been the industry standard. Two of the many benefits that come with using cPanel are the fact that it is user-friendly and that it is included. You can get a general idea of many components of your website by fast looking at the dashboard of your cPanel account. This will allow you to make informed decisions. One of the most significant factors that led to the popularity of cPanel as a control panel is the cost, which is the most crucial feature. Moreover, that has changed in a different way!


This control panel, which was once seen as extremely desirable, is no longer regarded as desirable as a result of the price increase that has reached such a considerable level. Considering that this is the ideal time to accomplish so, the web hosting industry ought to currently consider this to be a challenge. It is anticipated that a decision on the use of cPanel will be reached in the not-too-distant future. Businesses have been reevaluating cPanel lately. Persons will not be prevented from becoming familiar with and working with these alternatives in the event that the cost of cPanel continues to rise. There are several alternatives that can be investigated, and persons will not fail to do so.